ali hasanniyah; mahmood najafi; aliMohammad Rezaei
The purpose ofthe present study was comparingthe effectivenessof Fernaldmulti-sensoryinstructional method and mnemonics measures application in improvingdictation problems in female third grade elementary school students with dictationdisorder. The study was quasi-experimental withpre-test, post-test ...
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The purpose ofthe present study was comparingthe effectivenessof Fernaldmulti-sensoryinstructional method and mnemonics measures application in improvingdictation problems in female third grade elementary school students with dictationdisorder. The study was quasi-experimental withpre-test, post-test and controlgroup.Students with dictation disorder who referred toSadra Learning DisabilitiesCenter in -TorbatHeidarieh inNovember 2014, consisted the statistical population of the study.Among them,36 participants were selected in an available sampling method and were assigned randomly into two experimental groups and a control group(12 participants received Fernald multi-sensoryinstructional method, 12 participants received mnemonicsmeasures method and 12 participants of control group received no intervention).The Revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) andBaezzat'sDiagnostic Test of Writing Expression Disorder ( spelling component)were the tools of the study.Participants of the first experimental group received 45-minute Fernald multi-sensoryinstructional method for 8 sessions and participants of the second experimental group received 45-minutes mnemonicsmeasures method for 8 sessions, but participants of control group received no intervention. Data were analyzed usingdependent t test,univariate covariance analysis test and LSD follow-up test.Results showed that there was a significant difference between experimental groups and control group after providing Fernaldmulti-sensory instructional method and mnemonicsmeasuresmethod in improvingdictation problems.There was no significant difference between multi-sensory instructional method and mnemonics measures application method.Thus, applyingFernaldmulti-sensory instructional method and mnemonicsmeasuresapplicationmethodeffectively, appropriately and based on the considered principles can improvedictationroblems