Presenting a causal model of academic engagement based on students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching with the mediating role of online learning self-efficacy

Hossein Hafezi; Fatemeh Bazvand; Fatemeh Amiri; Nooshafarin Safari

Volume 7, Issue 23 , April 2024, , Pages 109-138

  The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a causal model of academic engagement based on students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching with the mediating role of online learning self-efficacy. The research method is basic in terms of purpose and in terms of the type of ...  Read More

Presenting a causal model for predicting social presence based on cognitive presence (mediated by online search):

majid rabani; Hossein Hafezi; Mahmoud Ekrami; Mohammadreza Sarmadi

Volume 5, Issue 17 , September 2022, , Pages 9-35

  social presence is defined as the ability of learners to identify the learning community, have a sense of belonging to the community and communicate purposefully in a learning community. The reason for emphasizing the social presence of online learning is that online and virtual learning experts believe ...  Read More