Hossein Hafezi; Fatemeh Bazvand; Fatemeh Amiri; Nooshafarin Safari
The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a causal model of academic engagement based on students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching with the mediating role of online learning self-efficacy. The research method is basic in terms of purpose and in terms of the type of ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a causal model of academic engagement based on students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching with the mediating role of online learning self-efficacy. The research method is basic in terms of purpose and in terms of the type of data collected, it is quantitative and based on the correlation approach. The participants included 375 students of online courses at Payame Noor University in Lorestan province in the academic year of 2021-2022, who were selected by two-stage cluster random sampling method. Research tools were scales of student evaluation questionnaires on the effectiveness of online teaching by Bengert et al. (2008), self-efficacy of online learning by Zimmerman and Koli Kevich (2016) and the questionnaire of students' academic engagement by Gonios and Kozo (2015). Data analysis was done by structural equation modeling method in AMOS26 software platform. According to the findings, students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching positively predicts self-efficacy of online learning and academic engagement variables. Also, predicts self-efficacy of online learning variable can predict academic engagement in a positive and meaningful way.In addition, students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching predicts academic engagement through self-efficacy of online learning. According to the obtained results, by increasing the students' evaluation of the effectiveness of online teaching, it is possible to improve self-efficacy of online learning and improve their academic engagement.
majid rabani; Hossein Hafezi; Mahmoud Ekrami; Mohammadreza Sarmadi
social presence is defined as the ability of learners to identify the learning community, have a sense of belonging to the community and communicate purposefully in a learning community. The reason for emphasizing the social presence of online learning is that online and virtual learning experts believe ...
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social presence is defined as the ability of learners to identify the learning community, have a sense of belonging to the community and communicate purposefully in a learning community. The reason for emphasizing the social presence of online learning is that online and virtual learning experts believe that social constructivism is an important factor in promoting interpersonal communication and the quality of learning. Given the importance of social presence as an influential variable in the process of virtual education, it is necessary to pay more attention to this issue and its predictors. In this regard, the present study aimed to provide a causal model for predicting social presence based on cognitive presence mediated by the online learning atmosphere. , 1-According to the above findings, the proposed model in the RMSEA index (root mean square of estimation errors) does not fit well, so the model was modified by correlating latent variable errors and The results showed that the final model has a good fit; 2-Cognitive presence has a direct, positive and significant relationship with social presence (P≤0.05 and β=0.62); There is a direct, positive and significant relationship between cognitive presence and online learning (P≤0.05 and β= 0.14) and also a direct relationship between online learning atmosphere and social presence is positive and significant (P≤0.05 and β=0.32); 3-In the indirect way, with the presence of mediator variables, the relationship between cognitive presence and social presence was still significant and the online learning atmosphere absorbs part .