alireza zahriban hesari; Mahmoud Ekrami; Mohammadreza Sarmadi
The current research is titled “The relationship between Constructivism and Online Achievement with mediator variables of students Engagement, online Readiness and Learning Climate". The purpose of this study is to determine the modeling of structural equations of achievement in online student ...
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The current research is titled “The relationship between Constructivism and Online Achievement with mediator variables of students Engagement, online Readiness and Learning Climate". The purpose of this study is to determine the modeling of structural equations of achievement in online student learning based on constructivism and mediating variables. The statistical population in the present study is all the students studying bachelor's and master's courses who have registered in the virtual courses of higher education and have passed at least the final exam of one academic semester in the virtual course (LMS course), and using the internet and registration Name in Google, the questionnaires were made available to the students by the researcher, used in the final calculations. The measurement tool is a 5-item questionnaire, which was verified and applied. According to the research findings, the results of the path analysis show that "The ultimate model of online learning achievement has been achieved." In this model, the variable of constructivism indirectly effect and through the three variables of students' engagement, online readiness and climate, it has an effect on the variable of achievement in online learning.
majid rabani; Hossein Hafezi; Mahmoud Ekrami; Mohammadreza Sarmadi
social presence is defined as the ability of learners to identify the learning community, have a sense of belonging to the community and communicate purposefully in a learning community. The reason for emphasizing the social presence of online learning is that online and virtual learning experts believe ...
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social presence is defined as the ability of learners to identify the learning community, have a sense of belonging to the community and communicate purposefully in a learning community. The reason for emphasizing the social presence of online learning is that online and virtual learning experts believe that social constructivism is an important factor in promoting interpersonal communication and the quality of learning. Given the importance of social presence as an influential variable in the process of virtual education, it is necessary to pay more attention to this issue and its predictors. In this regard, the present study aimed to provide a causal model for predicting social presence based on cognitive presence mediated by the online learning atmosphere. , 1-According to the above findings, the proposed model in the RMSEA index (root mean square of estimation errors) does not fit well, so the model was modified by correlating latent variable errors and The results showed that the final model has a good fit; 2-Cognitive presence has a direct, positive and significant relationship with social presence (P≤0.05 and β=0.62); There is a direct, positive and significant relationship between cognitive presence and online learning (P≤0.05 and β= 0.14) and also a direct relationship between online learning atmosphere and social presence is positive and significant (P≤0.05 and β=0.32); 3-In the indirect way, with the presence of mediator variables, the relationship between cognitive presence and social presence was still significant and the online learning atmosphere absorbs part .