masoomeh nasrollahi
This study is an attempt to identify and prioritize the effective factors affecting public schools teachers’ tendency to employ e-learning. The study population are 667 elementary school teachers teaching in public schools. The study sample, using the Morgan table, were 242 people who were selected ...
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This study is an attempt to identify and prioritize the effective factors affecting public schools teachers’ tendency to employ e-learning. The study population are 667 elementary school teachers teaching in public schools. The study sample, using the Morgan table, were 242 people who were selected by simple random sampling. In this research four components of individual characteristics, environmental factors, infrastructure, educational media and educational content were studied and indicators for each component were determined. The study data gathering instrument was a 30-item researcher-made questionnaire.that was designed and developed on the basis of opinions of education experts and scholars and the findings of previous studies . The result of this research indicates that environment and infrastructure (3.11), educational media (2.43), individual characteristics of the learner (2.39) and educational content (2.08), were ranked one to four. The components of each factor were also ranked, among which computer literacy and experience and web knowledge were (8.52) at the highest level and appropriateness of educational content with occupational needs (2.38) were at the lowest level. The study findings indicate that teachers prefer electronic in-service education to other modes of teaching and learning because it is less time-consuming and cheaper.