leli fathi; ghodsi ahghar
Abstract The present study is a semi-experimental pretest-posttest with control group. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of philosophy training through collaborative method on reduction of illogical believes of students. The population of study includes all female students of ...
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Abstract The present study is a semi-experimental pretest-posttest with control group. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of philosophy training through collaborative method on reduction of illogical believes of students. The population of study includes all female students of public high schools of Tehran in 2014-2015. Through multi-stage sampling method, 50 students with their illogical believes higher than average level were selected and a group of 25 subjects was selected as test group and another group of 25 subjects was selected as control group. P4c philosophy training program was implemented on test group in 10 sessions of 90-minutes by collaborative method while control group received no training. After intervention, both groups completed Jones' scale of illogical believes in post-test stage. For data analysis, descriptive and referential statistics (intergroup covariance analysis test) was used. Confirming the main hypothesis of the study, the results showed that philosophy training through collaborative research has decreased illogical believes of female students of first period of high school.