Behrooz Sipednameh; Farhad Seraji; Aliakbar Asgari Motte; Hasan Momeni; Saeed Zamani
This study aimed to determine the frequency and type of Virtual space use among high school students.The study method was of a descriptive-survey type, and in terms of the purpose, it was a research-applied study. The statistical population included all high school students of Hamadan province (2020-2021). ...
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This study aimed to determine the frequency and type of Virtual space use among high school students.The study method was of a descriptive-survey type, and in terms of the purpose, it was a research-applied study. The statistical population included all high school students of Hamadan province (2020-2021). Using a multi-stage cluster sampling method, 500 of them were selected as sample member. The study instrument was a researcher-made instrument whose validity and reliability was assessed based on professors' views and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.92). Using Spss 24, the descreptive (frequency, percentage, and mean) and the inferential (independent t-test and Chi-square) statistics were employed for data analysis. Finding show that 84%5 of the students spend between 1-5 hours, %13 less than an hour, and 2%5 more than 5 hours per day, on using the internet.The result indicated the frequency of using the internet in Cyberspace is less than the average (3). Furthermore, the most common types of cyberspace use were "performing assignments," "gathering information about public issues," "communicating with classmates," and "listening to music," respectively. While the girls used Telegram, WhatsApp, and Shad more than the boys, the boys used Facebook and Instagram more than the girls (p<0.05). Regarding the type of cyberspace use, the Chi-square results indicated the girls use Cyberspace more than boys to do their assignments. it can be concluded that the frequency of cyberspace use among students is not too much, and they often use Cyberspace for doing their assignments and establishing social relationships with their friends.
farhad seraji
This study aims to investigate the role of e-learning skills in the virtual students’ academic achievement and satisfaction. The statistical population is composed of all students at the E-Learning Education Center at the University of Tehran and Mehr Alborz Higher Education Institute out of whom, ...
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This study aims to investigate the role of e-learning skills in the virtual students’ academic achievement and satisfaction. The statistical population is composed of all students at the E-Learning Education Center at the University of Tehran and Mehr Alborz Higher Education Institute out of whom, 388 individuals were selected as the sample using the relative stratified sampling method and based on Kerjessi and Moregan Table. The research method is correlation, and two researcher-developed questionnaires, e-learning preparation measurement test, and academic satisfaction test were used for data collection. Content validity of these two tests through using the views of seven e-learning specialists and their reliability upon trial administration to 60 students and calculation of Cronbach’s alpha were put at 0.84 and 0.87 respectively. Moreover, in order to measure and assess academic achievement, the researchers employed the students’ mean of academic achievement. The research data were analyzed by means of a t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression, the results of which indicated that the level of students’ skills is mediocre, level of academic satisfaction is mediocre, and the level of their academic achievement is good. Pearson correlation coefficient demonstrated that there is a correlation between metacognitive and cognitive skills and academic achievement. Furthermore, the results and findings suggest that there is a correlation between metacognitive and cognitive skills and academic satisfaction, while no significant relation was found between the variables of technological skills and communication skills and academic achievement and satisfaction. The share of metacognitive skills in prediction of the students’ academic achievement is 32.8%, and that of cognitive skills is 11.5%. In addition, the share of metacognitive skills in prediction of students’ academic satisfaction is 50%, and that of cognitive skills is 17.5%.