Samira Ebrahimpour Koumleh; Zohreh Montazar; Maryam Safarnavadeh; Ehsan Ekradi
The purpose of this study was to analyze the experience of preschool teachers about the impact of cyberspace on children's health. This study was a qualitative study based on a descriptive phenomenological approach or lived experience. The study population consisted of all preschool teachers in Tehran. ...
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the experience of preschool teachers about the impact of cyberspace on children's health. This study was a qualitative study based on a descriptive phenomenological approach or lived experience. The study population consisted of all preschool teachers in Tehran. Samples were selected using purposive sampling method and data saturation was obtained after seven in-depth semi-structured interviews. The text of the interviews was analyzed using Colaizzi's seven-step method. The findings of this study showed 60 semantic supportive units that were divided into four sub-themes (physical health, mental health, social health, and spiritual health) and two main themes (cyberspace opportunities and damages for children's health). According to the findings of this study, it is clear that cyberspace damages for children's health are more than its opportunities. Also, cyberspace has not been able to provide a good opportunity for children's spiritual health.Also, cyberspace has not been able to provide a good opportunity for children's spiritual health.