kiumars taghipour; hossein dehganzadeh; daryosh norozi
The present study was designed to clarify the status of a anchoring model of the main approaches to instructional design and how to apply it in practice. Methods In this study, qualitative content analysis: inductive approach to the study of specialized information in a anchoring instruction, relevant ...
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The present study was designed to clarify the status of a anchoring model of the main approaches to instructional design and how to apply it in practice. Methods In this study, qualitative content analysis: inductive approach to the study of specialized information in a anchoring instruction, relevant data to answer the research questions were provided. approach is constructive. Despite similarities, anchoring instruction with problem-based learning, in the kind of problem solving process, the tools used to collect data is together different. The anchored instruction approach is an attempt to help students become more actively engaged in learning by situating or anchoring instruction around an interesting topic. Anchored instruction emphasizes the need to provide students with opportunities to think about and work on problems, which is an emphasis of cognitive constructivists. Anchored instruction also emphasizes group or collaborative problem solving, which is an emphasis of social constructivists. anchoring model based on constructive principles presented in this study, can be a good practice guide for instructional designers and teachers.