Ehsan Alinia Bengar; fatemeh Jafarkhani
New studies present a disturbing picture of distance learning of experimental science courses, especially at the elementary level, this type of education, which is not so dependent on the presence of students in the classroom, is not popular among many of them. This research has been done to investigate ...
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New studies present a disturbing picture of distance learning of experimental science courses, especially at the elementary level, this type of education, which is not so dependent on the presence of students in the classroom, is not popular among many of them. This research has been done to investigate the effect of the community of inquiry practices on argumentation-driven skills in experimental sciences. The research design was semi-experimental and the statistical population consisted of 26 male students of the sixth grade of one of the schools in Babolsar city of Mazandaran province in the academic year of 2022. The Sampling method, targeted, and intervention included the implementation of the community of inquiry model based on argumentation-driven skills in the experimental group, while the control group received traditional teacher-oriented training. The results showed that the socialization of the online inquiry based on these skills has positive effects on the quality of learning and increases the student’s motivation in the course of experimental sciences. This study recommends conducting larger-scale research to implement a community of inquiry based on an argumentation-driven skills model in an online context.