Ara Moradi; Sayed jamal Barkhoda; Mehdi Salehi
the researcher in the present study has examined the competencies required of school principals in the digital era. Due to the nature of the subject and the objectives of the research, a qualitative method has been used. Due to the fact that in this study, based on the perceptions and experiences of ...
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the researcher in the present study has examined the competencies required of school principals in the digital era. Due to the nature of the subject and the objectives of the research, a qualitative method has been used. Due to the fact that in this study, based on the perceptions and experiences of principals, assistant principals, and technology experts of schools, the required competencies of school principals are analyzed, therefore, the grounded theory qualitative strategy has been used. Participants in the study were 15 members of the school community who have had experience in participating in virtual courses. The research collection tool included an 8-item protocol containing the main objectives of the research. The justifiability of this protocol was confirmed by expert professors and its reliability was confirmed by reliability method. Individuals' perspectives on the coding process were analyzed using Nvivo software. The results showed that the most important competencies required for school principals in the digital era are summarized in 5 main components including: coordination and cooperation, the need for specialized digital knowledge, the ability to manage virtual systems, changing the structure and rules of the school and changing the Managers' role and style.