Document Type : Research Paper
1 Primary teacher Farhangian university lecturer
2 Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
4 Associate Professor of Music Department, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran
5 Professor of Assessment and Measurement Department, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
This study conducts a systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines to explore music education for gifted and talented students. The research aims to delineate the identification methodologies, educational strategies, relevant technologies, prevailing challenges, and constructive recommendations within the ambit of gifted and talented education. A comprehensive systematic search yielded a dataset of 1,464 articles, from which 37 were selected for detailed analysis based on stringent criteria. The analysis reveals a rich tapestry of research in the domain, showcasing a variety of approaches to identifying and educating musically gifted and talented students. Despite the breadth of research and the diversity of methods applied, the field lacks a unified, standardized model. The integration of appropriate technologies has been shown to significantly enhance creative thought, social, and emotional skills among these students. However, the research identifies several challenges, including time management, the need for continuous improvement, and various physical and financial constraints. To address these issues, the study proposes several recommendations: the adoption of innovative technologies to foster creativity and motivation; specialized training for educators to effectively utilize these technologies; the development of adaptable curricular frameworks and models; the implementation of inventive music projects; and fostering collaborations with music professionals. These recommendations aim to enrich the educational landscape for gifted and talented students, ensuring a nurturing environment that promotes their exceptional abilities.